Hello everyone, and welcome back to another blog tag!
This is the writerly resolutions tag.
Yes, I know, it’s been January for four weeks now. But now that we’re about a month into the new year, how are your New Year’s resolutions coming along?
Even if you’re one of those people who say resolutions are unhealthy, there is a lot to be said for setting goals for yourself. You don’t have to wait until the new year to set those goals, either.
So without further ado, here is the Writerly Resolutions Blog Tag! You can answer the questions with your “New Year’s resolutions,” or you can just answer with your long term writing goals.
Let’s get started!
The Rules
You know the drill. Every good blog tag is gonna have some rules. For this tag, I’ll keep the rules pretty straightforward:

- Include the official Writerly Resolutions banner in your post.
- Link back to the person who tagged you. If you weren’t tagged, link back to the website you found the tag on.
- Tag at least 5 other bloggers who are also writers. You can tag as many people as you want!
- Ask them 5 new questions about their writing goals.
Pretty basic, right?
Now on to my favorite part– the questions!
Since I’m starting the tag, I’ll answer my own questions, but usually you will answer questions by the previous person.
Do you have a Work In Progress you’d like to finish this year?
Why yes, yes I do!
I’m still working on my WIP that I started in early 2021, and it’s moving very slowly, so I can’t really say when it will be finished. It’s been a year, and I’m still in the first reread of the rough draft!
The lovely Shancurty Ignacio (@shancurtyignacio on Instagram) created a journal spread about the main character in my WIP, using pictures from my Pinterest board. I’m going to share them now because I’m obsessed.

The working title is “Between the Living and the Dead.” It’s a fantasy story about a young medium who is searching for the ghosts of his family.
However, I really enjoy this story, so I think I’m going to spend as much time as it takes to get this one ready for the querying process.
I’ve always wanted to pursue traditional publication. I know it would probably be easier to self-publish, but I really think this novel might be a good one to start querying, while I start working on the next project! We’ll see how it goes, anyway.
What kind of character do you want to try writing in your next project?
In my next project, I would like to try writing a hero who is very intelligent. Most of the smarts in my stories come from the villains. It would be nice to have a smart hero for a change.

Also, it would be nice to have a villain who is actually despicable. Not like a cliche, “mwahaha” kind of villain, but just someone who is creepy, mean, and scary. Someone who is good at being bad.
I tend to write a lot of villains who are a little too human. Most people would say that’s a good thing, but it’s actually really hard to make them seem scary if they’re not that evil.
What aspect of your writing to you want to improve this year?
I want to get better at developing my main characters!
A lot of the character sheets and charts and stuff don’t really work for me, because when I was in high school, I used to just base my characters off of my acquaintances.
But now that I’m an adult, the people who I know are limited. I don’t know hundreds of people anymore. So I have to start using my imagination and coming up with character personalities from scratch.
Using my imagination? As a writer?

This new year, I want to really work harder at developing characters from scratch, and making sure they all act and sound different from each other.
If you had time to try a completely different writing form in 2022, what writing form would you try? (Poetry, screenwriting, flash fiction, etc)
I really, really want to learn how to write a screenplay.
Problem is, I keep getting sidetracked by novels…
Back in middle school and early high school, I used to write a lot more poetry, so I think it would be cool to get back into that again someday. Maybe after I write that screenplay. 😉
In one year, what do you want your writing routine to look like?

Um… haha… existent, maybe?
In all honesty, though, I was happy with the amount of writing I accomplished in 2021. Now I just have to do a little bit better with scheduling my time.

A lot of times, at the end of the day, I’m too tired to write anything that actually has structure and meaning to it. If it’s after 10 pm, chances are, I’m just writing fanfiction. But this year, I’d like to change that.
I’m not trying to fool myself into a false sense of “I’ll do it so much better this year!” It’s just important to me that I start focusing more on the projects that really matter to me, such as BTLATD (my work in progress) and this blog. So we’ll see what happens.
Like this post if you think 2022 is the year that I finally learn how to multitask! Lol
And that’s it for the questions!
My Nominees
Not sure how many of these bloggers participate in tags, but I’ll include them anyway because they’re very cool people and you should definitely check out their blogs!
I tag:
D. Wallace Peach (https://mythsofthemirror.com/)
K. Watkins (http://k-watkins.com/)
K. M. Allan (http://kmallan.com/)
Kristianne Hassman (https://kristiannehassman.wordpress.com/)
Maya Joelle (https://mayajt.wordpress.com/)
And YOU, if you want to participate!
Here are your questions:
- Do you have a Work In Progress you’d like to finish this year?
- What kind of character do you want to try writing in your next project?
- What aspect of your writing to you want to improve this year?
- If you had time to try a completely different writing form in 2022, what writing form would you try? (Poetry, screenwriting, flash fiction, etc)
- In one year, what do you want your writing routine to look like?
I look forward to reading your answers!
What are some of your goals for the new year? Do you plan to participate in this blog tag? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back soon with a new post!

I am going to try to do this! Hopefully, I get to it … I mean, I have a book launch coming up, editing that still needs to be done, book art I’m obsessed with making, 4 or 5 works in progress, books to read and review, and an idea of another trilogy that has been forming over the last week or so and is just dragging me into it and I am going to start as soon as I get a chance to write. So … yeah, hopefully I get to the tag! Before another month goes by!
Oh wow, sounds like a busy schedule! If you have a chance to get to the tag, I’d love to see your answers! 😀
Thank you so much for tagging me! This looks really fun!!
Of course! 🙂