Hello everyone,
Today we have a slightly different post than usual, because I am starting a blog award! *insert confetti here*
If you don’t know how blog awards work, the rules are simple.
- Display the award logo on your site
- Link back to the person who tagged you
- Answer 5 questions
- Tag 3 blogs (must be blogs related to writing, not book review blogs) and ask them 5 new questions
- Follow as many blogs with this award as you can!
So without further ado, I’d like to tag these wonderful people and their blogs:
Jessica Crespino (https://jessicacrespino.com/), Lorraine Ambers (https://lorraineambers.com/), and Julia Witmer (https://juliawitmerblog.wordpress.com/)
Of course, anyone is welcome to hop on the bandwagon and join in– I don’t have to tag you!
My questions:
- What was the first story you remember writing?
- What’s your favorite genre to write? Why?
- Favorite fictional character?
- Where do you find the most inspiration?
- As a writer, how would you like to grow in 2021?
Since I don’t have someone else’s questions to answer, here are the (short) answers to my own questions.
The first story I remember writing was called Three Girls and a Tree. I used magazine cutouts to illustrate it.
Favorite genre right now is dystopian.
Favorite fictional character is currently Merlin from BBC Merlin.
I find most of my inspiration from Pinterest these days.
I’d like to grow in 2021 by finishing another novel, and hopefully getting some stuff entered in contests and publications.
Let’s spread the love this holiday season and help grow each other’s blogs!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi Lauren, thank you so much for nominating me! I’ll get right on to answering your questions and continuing on your award.
I’m looking for a beta reader and would love to work with you. You’re blog posts are fantastic, I think you’d be a great addition to my team. 💜💜
Hi Lorraine! Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing your answers 😁
At this point, I’m afraid I can’t take on any more proofreading, but if my availability changes, I’ll let you know! 😊
Thank you so much for the tag! I’m looking forward to answering these questions and sharing them and everything on my blog soon ^.^
Thanks for continuing the award! 😁
Of course!