Hello again!
It’s been a while. I’ve started writing a bunch of blog posts this month, but true to my writer’s nature, I can’t seem to finish any of them. Right now, I can’t seem to get past the writer’s block. Ugh.
In the meantime, here are three writing websites that I find to be very helpful, especially for fantasy writers.
1. Mythical Creatures (http://www.mythcreatures.co.uk/index.asp)

This website is an online guide to all kinds of mythical creatures.
The creatures are organized by size and category, and a brief description about each one.
The only problem I have with this site is that the descriptions are brief, and they don’t include any images or artwork.
However, this site is very useful when I’m trying to learn about mythical creatures that I didn’t know existed. I can click through the categories until I find something that strikes my fancy, and then I can find anything else I need (like reference pictures) from Google.
Here’s the link to the site, if you want to check it out: http://www.mythcreatures.co.uk/index.asp
2. Character Generator (https://www.character-generator.org.uk/)
Oh ho ho, what have we here? Another online generator that is completely free and easy to use? Don’t mind if I do.

This site is a great resource when I’m completely stuck on a story. It lets you generate characters, with as much input as you want. You can control their age, name, and sex, or you can let the website generate something completely random.
My favorite generator on here is the Character Profile generator. It gives me a short biography of the character, some basic information, physical appearance (and a list of words to describe it), personality (and a list of words to describe it), employment history, and political views.
You can either choose to publish the generated character (which makes it available for everyone to see), or discard it. I recommend copy and pasting the character’s information into a Word document, and then discarding the generated profile.
They also have a quick character profile generator, which I use pretty often. It works well if you need a minor character, or if you want to expand on the generated character with your own ideas.
Here’s the link to try it out for yourself: https://www.character-generator.org.uk/
3. World Anvil’s Worldbuilding Prompts (https://www.worldanvil.com/worldbuilding-prompts)

World Anvil is one of the most popular sites to build and keep track of your fantasy world, for gaming or writing.
However, I don’t have much experience with this site, except for their worldbuilding prompts.
These worldbuilding prompts are so helpful when I’m trying to discover more about my fantasy world. Sometimes, if I sit down with a worldbuilding checklist, I feel overwhelmed. It feels like I’m filling out paperwork.
World Anvil’s Worldbuilding Prompts are super helpful to me, because they keep the worldbuilding process interesting.
If you use their site, you can keep your answers to the prompts in your worldbuilding kit. If you don’t use the site, you can always just write your answers in a Google Doc.
Here’s the link for the prompts: https://www.worldanvil.com/worldbuilding-prompts
Have you tried any of these websites before? Do you like using them?
That’s all I have for today, but thanks for tuning in. I hope these websites are helpful for you.
I’ll be back soon with a new blog post. (As soon as I defeat the writer’s block, that is.) See you next time!

Oooo I’m actually working on a lot of world building stuff right now, and world anvil looks super helpful! Thanks!
Yay! Hope it’s helpful for you. I haven’t really used the rest of their site, besides the prompts list, but their tools are recommended to me all the time!