Hi everyone! Right now, I’m back in college, working towards my associate’s degree! This semester, I’m taking a full class load, on top of running
Category: Blog Updates

Crazy to think that we’re almost through with 2023. It feels like 2019 was yesterday, but here we are, full steam ahead into 2024. Since

Hello! I am actually writing this post in August, because in September, I will be departing on a grand adventure, and I won’t have time

Hello again! It is time for a new writing related blog tag! I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what to post this month. I have

Recently I was tagged by the lovely Raina Nightingale (entralledbylove.wordpress.com) to complete the Knitting Tag. At first I was confused, because I don’t knit. But

Hello again! It’s been a while. I’ve started writing a bunch of blog posts this month, but true to my writer’s nature, I can’t seem

Hello everyone! Today is my 2 year blogiversary with Pro Story Builders! We’ve come a long way since my first post on this site. (That
Hello! My lovely friend E. G. Bella nominated me for The Bookworm’s Tag! Although I don’t write book reviews on this blog, I do spend
Ack! Another Monday and I still haven’t written a post for you guys. Sorry about that. I’ve been really behind on work, so if I

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another blog tag! This is the writerly resolutions tag. Yes, I know, it’s been January for four weeks now.