Hello everyone!
Since this is not a normal post, I figured I wouldn’t post it on Sunday. So the next storytelling blog post will come out on Sunday, I promise!
Today is an exciting day, because I was tagged by Julia Witmer for the Vincent Ehindero blogging award.

The Rules
1. Display the blog award logo on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add their blog/website.
3. Answer the questions they have given you.
4. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice and inform them on one of their blog posts.
5. Ask them 5 questions
Thank you Julia for nominating me! 😁
(Be sure to check out her blog at JuliaWitmerBlog.wordpress.com)
Here’s how it works:
1. Display the blog award logo on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add their blog/website
3. Answer the questions they have given you.
4. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice and inform them on one of their blog posts.
5. Ask them 5 questions
The Questions
1. What is one thing you love about blogging?
Oof, it’s tough to pick just one. But the thing that stands out to me is the fact that I can use my blog to teach others.

There’s a lot of stuff I wish I had learned sooner, and now I have a chance to share that information. Hopefully it’s helpful to other people!
2. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging?
Sticking to a set schedule. Setting up a planner definitely helps.

3. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging?
When I hear that someone found my posts to be helpful or inspiring, it always makes my day. I like helping other writers. 😁
4. If you could give one tip to a blogger who was just starting out, what would it be?
Don’t look at the view count and stats. Just don’t. It will take anywhere between 6 months and 2 years of consistent posts before you start getting consistent views.
Also, write about what you love, not what you think will be popular. It’s always best to stick with your strengths.

5. What is your favorite of your own blog posts?
My first blog was back in 2009, and I wrote and illustrated book reviews. The blog still exists somewhere in cyberspace. I love those posts because it was the beginning of my blogging journey!
This current blog (Pro Story Builders) is pretty new, but so far, I’d have to say that my favorite blog post has been my post about No More Wimps. It seemed to help a lot of authors.
Time for My Nominees
The blogs that I nominate for the blog award are:
- Lu Reviews Books (http://lureviewsbooks.com)
- Cristian Mihai (http://artofblogging.net)
- Jody Mabry (http://cafelegacy.com)
- Heather Trimmer (http://trimmer.travel.blog)
- Eleanor Sophie (https://eleanorsophiewrites.wordpress.com)
- Lady Jaberwocky (http://ladyjabberwocky.com)
- Mae Claire (https://storyempirecom.wordpress.com)
My Questions for You:
- What was your first blog post about?
- If you had to pick a new niche/blogging genre, what would you choose to write about?
- How long does it take you to write a blog post?
- If you could tell your past self one thing about blogging, what would you tell yourself?
- Pumpkin pie or pecan pie? (A very important question)
Thanks for reading! I’ll be back on Sunday with a new post. Until then, keep on writing!

Loved reading through your answers to the questions! Thanks for joining in the fun 😀
Thank you so much for the nomination, Lauryn! I love all your answers. Have a lovely day 😉
Of course! 😁You too!
As a new blogger I found your answers to be helpful, particularly the advice to be patient in waiting for results and to write about what interests you. Thank you!
Thank you Deborah!