“My character is a stereotypical dark-haired edgelord, please help!” As a writer, it surprises me that no matter what genre you pick, whether it’s anime,
Tag: writing fiction

Hello everyone! Today’s post about worldbuilding comes from my friend, Julia Witmer. Make sure to check out her bio at the bottom of the page.

Are you tired of writing? Let’s talk about some ways to rediscover your love for the written word.

Last week, I finished another novel. Full disclosure: I’m not here to sell my book. It was awful, full of plot holes, and will never

Backstory adds a rich, accessible feeling to your characters. It tells us about your hero’s traumatic past, the villain’s abusive spouse, or the layout of

(Disclaimer: All screenshots are taken from videos that are publicly displayed on Disney’s YouTube channel. I do not own these videos, and I am not

As a writer, sometimes the hardest part is figuring out who your characters really are.

How to Use Fan Fiction to Sharpen Your Writing Skills I would classify myself as a fangirl. But for a long time, I refused to

As a writer, I know how hard it can be to write both good characters and a solid plot. For many of us, it feels

My first novel was a YA Dystopian novel, and I think it’s safe to say that the genre is still close to my heart. I