Hello again! It is time for a new writing related blog tag!
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what to post this month. I have lots of ideas for new blog posts, but none of them really caught my attention today. Then I saw this blog tag, and I knew I had to do it!
Here are the rules of the tag:
- Link back to the original creator (that would be Savannah Grace Writes) and the person who tagged you. (I was not tagged, but I found this on Allyson Jamison’s blog and she tagged anyone who wanted to join, so… here I am!)
- Tag 11 other bloggers to join in. (I don’t even know if I can think of 11 bloggers who are still active. We’ll see how it goes.)
Alright, now let’s get started with the tag!
Vital Stats and Appearance

Name (or Pen Name): Lauryn Trimmer.
Birthday: wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy
Hair color/length: Shoulder length, light brown hair.
Eye color: Brown.
Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: N/A.
Right or Left Handed: Right.
First novel written: I wrote my first novel when I was 12-13 years old. I wrote it after playing laser tag with friends, and it was about children fighting in underground tunnels with laser guns, in order to save the world from an evil government. Kind of a mix between The Maze Runner and Warrior Cats, but it was extremely cringe.
First novel completed: A couple years after the laser tag novel, I wrote a novel about time travelers, murder, betrayal, and a world run by teenagers. It was another dystopian story, and I spent all 4 years of high school editing it. In the fall of my senior year, I finished draft 6 and said “good enough.”
First award for my writing: When I was 10 years old, a local magazine had a poetry contest. My poem won first place, and they published my poem and gave me a gift certificate to a local candy store.
First publication: (see above)
First writing conference: Believe it or not, I’ve never been to a writing conference. I was planning to go to my first conference in the summer of 2020. You can guess how that turned out.
First query: I haven’t queried my novels to a publisher before. However, I’m thinking to start the query process once I finish my current WIP… stay tuned for that.
Favorite genre: Fantasy. And my second favorite is probably dystopian.
Favorite author: I can’t pick just one! Right now, my favorite authors are V. E. Schwab and Celeste Ng.
Favorite writing music: I have a six hour long playlist on Spotify that’s full of epic songs by 2WEI, Tommee Profitt, Neoni, Nathan Wagner, and any other songs that sound cool to me. Right now, I’m obsessed with “The Call” by 2WEI.
Favorite time to write: I do most of my writing after midnight.
Favorite writing drink/snack: I don’t like eating or drinking while I write. When I’m writing, I have to be completely focused on the story, and I can’t stop to think about anything else. Eating and drinking is too distracting for me.
Favorite movie: Again, I can’t pick just one. Two of my favorites are “The Princess Bride” and “Mean Girls.”
Favorite writing memory: In 2020, one of my novels placed as a finalist in a writing contest. I watched the livestream where they announced the winners of the contest, and I was so surprised to see my name that I just sat there in shock for several minutes and then started laughing. It was the highlight of my year.
Favorite childhood book: I loved the Betsy Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. Not too many people know about these books, but they were my absolute favorites as a kid.
Currently reading: Right now, I’m reading Gallant by VE Schwab. I just started it, but so far, I’m really intrigued!
Currently writing: I’m still working on the novel I started two years ago, and I’m only on the second draft :’) It’s about a young man who can talk to ghosts, and he’s trying to find the ghosts of his dead family. So much of the story is under construction that I really can’t say more than that, because it will probably change soon.
Currently listening to: “Like Real People Do” by Hozier. I love Hozier’s music, and this song gets stuck in my head so often.
Currently watching: I’ll be completely honest… I’ve spent way too many hours this month watching livestreams on Twitch. It’s a problem.
Currently learning: Right now, I’m trying to learn French again. I took French for three years in high school, took French 1 and 2 in college, and now I can barely get past “Bonjour.” We’ll see if it sticks this time around.
Want to be published: YES. Eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I’m hoping to finish my current novel and start querying publishers before I turn 25.
Traditional or indie publishing: Traditional. I don’t have energy to handle all the publishing logistics by myself, I’d rather work with a traditional publisher.
Wildest goal: My wildest goal is to learn dogsledding and have my own sled dogs. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of dogsledding, and I love animals. But it’s a very expensive hobby. We’ll see if it ever gets to happen.
Tag List
And you, if you’d like to join!!
I know today’s post was a bit longer than most Q&A blog tags, but thanks for reading anyway!
Do you want to join in this blog tag? Do we have any answers in common? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next time with a new blog post!

This was so much fun to read, and I love your answers! I’m a big fan of dystopian too. And I’ve never learned French, but I have the same on again off again relationship with the Spanish I learned in high school, haha.
I did this tag last year (right here: https://egbella.com/2022/06/10/the-get-to-know-me-tag-writers-edition/?amp=1) and most of my answers are still the same, so I don’t know if I’ll do it again right now, but thank you for the tag! π
Thanks for the comment!! No need to do the tag a second time, unless you want to of course π
This was so fun to read! Thanks for the tag! I’ll probably share my answers via my newsletter first and then share it to my blog as well (just for funsies, since I don’t really post on my blog anymore). Excited to give my answers <3
Yay! Canβt wait to see your answers!
This is so cool! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my blog because life got quite busy, but now that I’ve graduated, I’ve been meaning to get back into it and reorganize some of the aspects of my site. This could be a good foot in the door lol.
Thanks for the comment! I hope you enjoy this blog tag, if you do it! Itβs a fun one π